Important! Wooden
as well as Greenline
instruments react to humidity changes
. Plastic
and metal
instruments react to temperature changes
When the humidity or temperature is lowered, the body material of the instrument shrinks.
This can have different side effects.
1. The body rings can get loose.
2. The bell rings can get loose and rattle with an irritating sound.
3. The distance between the posts (the little columns between the keys are mounted) can be diminished, which will press the keys against the holding pivot screws or posts, and prevents them from turning.
There are different solutions to these problems.
1. Increase the surrounding temperature (for plastic or metal instruments). You might want to bring it to a warmer place or warm it up with your body or just blow warm air through it.
2. Increase the surrounding humidity (for wooden or Greenline instruments). You could either wrap the instrument in humidified cloth, place a humidifier near the instrument or use a Dampit.
3. To fasten the loose rings, take the ring off, wrap a piece of paper around the body, where the ring used to be, and press the ring back on. If the ring doesn`t want to go on, reduce the amount of paper, if it is still loose, add more paper.
4. To loosen the keys, unfasten the pivot screws slightly and if it is a key with a rod, take out the rod and shorten the key tube with some fine sandpaper.
5. The LP_Ballbearing system allows the wood to expand and shrink without causing any of the above problems. It allows the posts to move without reducing the precision or getting keys stuck. Read more about the LP Ballbearing system
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