Special keys can often be moved from one instrument to another.
Transfers - transferring the keys from one instrument to another
Transfers - Move your keys to a new body
Sometimes it's beneficial to keep part of your old instrument and to move either the whole mechanism or just individual keys. Lohff & Pfeiffer offers these options:
1. If you have an instrument with a cracked or broken body, we can transfer the mechanisms to a new body.
2. If you have a mechanism built especially for you, we can transfer that from one instrument to another.
3. If you have a plateau key system but would like another instrument that you prefer sound-wise, we can move the mechanism as well.
4. If you've had your mechanism plated or otherwise changed the surface to your preference, it might also be more economical to transfer the keys to the new body.
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(C)2011 - by Lohff & Pfeiffer USA-6220 Rhode Island Ave-Riverdale Park MD 20737 - USA - Phone: (812)
340-0595 & 415 470 6879 - info@clarinet.dk