
Large selection of instruments.
Lohff & Pfeiffer philosophy:
Excellent instruments are not found - but made!

Selecting the best instrument
The Lohff & Pfeiffer approach to instrument selection is simple:
They must be in excellent condition to be judged properly. Many potentially fine instruments are getting rejected because they are not adequately working. Many others are never able to show neither their true potential or possibilities.

All our new or used instruments are painstakingly set up in our workshop before being offered for trial or purchase. With the LP series, we can offer a variety of setups that can satisfy individual issues.

We aim to give the musician the optimum conditions to find the right instrument.

The problem:
A musician seeks an instrument to suit their performance style and preference. On the contrary, the manufacturer must produce instruments with broad appeal to as many players as possible at a favorable price. For example, a professional clarinet requires 840 operations to be produced in as little as 3 hours and 20 minutes, an average of 15 seconds per procedure. Cost constraints and the inability to know specific musicians' tastes and desires clearly, make individualized production at the manufacturer level out of the question for all but a very rare few.

A deeper understanding of its components, mechanics, and acoustics will help the musician to appreciate and enjoy what the instrument is capable of. He can expect and demand more.

In other words: Excellent instruments are not found but made!

An optimized instrument enables everybody to compare them in their fault-free state.
Customization fits the instrument to your personal needs.
The goal of this webpage is to show and explain the many possibilities we have, to improve instruments. You will see that you can demand much more than you expected to be possible.

Have a look at our special Article: læs mere
in the Article section.

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