A wide selection of our range can often be tried out and tested at various events such as festivals, competitions, universities, and music schools. It is one of the best ways to compare a wide variety of instruments and setups.
We also offer the option of individual arrangements. This is particularly advisable if there are several interested parties or if you want to try out several large instruments (bass clarinets, bassoons, or similar).
It is often cheaper, more cost-efficient, the risk of transport damage is minimized, the costs are minimal and we can personally customize the instruments on site.It is one of the best ways to compare a wide variety of setups.
This has several advantages:
1. You have access to our full suite of instruments and setups.
2. You have the advantage of trying the instruments in your environment.
3. We are on hand to make custom instrument adjustments.
4. We can adjust the intonation, voicing, and feel of the instrument to your preference.
5. Eliminates any shipping delays/problems.
6. No shipping fees!
7. We can combine it with a Workshop or Master class for your students or colleagues.
9. Our service is worldwide and at your doorstep!
Ask for details and schedules by phone or email . Or sign up for our newsletter by clicking here
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(C)2011 - by Lohff & Pfeiffer USA-6220 Rhode Island Ave-Riverdale Park MD 20737 - USA - Phone: (812)
340-0595 & 415 470 6879 - info@clarinet.dk