Selected: Clarinet
Jumping G#/D# key solution
Older clarinets had the left hand G#/D# key between the left hand E/B and the left hand C#/F#. This often caused problems when the G#/D# jumped uncontrollably if released too quickly. L&P develop the new left hand G#/D# key for Buffet in the late 80´s which became the standard. We can transform your old system either to the new one or even better to the alternated C#/F# mechanism, which not just eliminates the problem completely but also allows a perfect switch from C# to Bb by only pressing the E/Bb down without needing to lift the F#/C# key.

(C) 2014 - by Lohff & Pfeiffer - Brøndbyvej 211 - 2625 Vallensbæk + 45 3535 8643 - SE DK 1895 7485