Selected: Clarinet

Bb-clarinet - Leblanc - Serenata

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Standard/Factory Setup
System: Boehm
Bore: 14,65mm
Tone holes: streight
Ring keys: 17 keys & 6 rings
Material: Grenadilla-African blackwood - Mpingo-Dalbergia Me
Pad type: Valentino Synthetic pads
Key material: Nickel silver, silverplated
Range: To low E
Joints: Tapered with cork
Thumb rest: Non adjustable thumbrest
Springs: steel
Barrels: 66mm
Bell: Becherring
Case: Backpack Style Case
Mouthpiece  K Series Hard Rubber Mouthpiece
Standard/Factory:  Kr  16.990
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About the model
The Leblanc Serenade is an exceptionally responsive instrument. It speaks beautifully across all registers and plays incredibly well in tune. The Serenade is an ideal instrument for the advancing clarinetist.

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