Selected: Clarinet

Clarinette Sib - Uebel - Classic

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Standard / Usine Setup
Système: Boehm
Percer: 14,65/14,78
Trous de ton: contre-d_pouille
Clés des anneau: 17 cl_s & 6 annau
Matériel: Grenadill
Tampons: Tampon de cuir
Matériel de Mécanique: Nickelsilver Hamilton-plated
Gamme: Mi
Repose pouce: repose-pouce ergonomique r_glable
Ressorts: acier inoxydable
Barils: 65, & 67mm
Etui: X_Light case
Embouchure  ESM
Standard / Usine:  Kr  9.839
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About the model
In 1936, Friedrich Arthur Uebel, established his own work_ shop in the eastgerman woodmaker village of Markneukirchen. After the death of his ?old master?, Oskar Oehler, he carried on the tradition of manufacturing ?state of the art? clarinets under the brand of F. Arthur Uebel and became one of the most renaunt main clarinetproducers for the German clarinet. In the 90th the German distributer Jochen St_lzel bought the compan. Using the foundation of this tradition and the latest manufacturing techniques, Uebel was able to enthuse discerning clarinet players all over the world. With the introduction of the new French system clarinets F. Arthur Uebel offers an interesting alternative in sound, ergonomics and response. The wood is aged and manufactured in Germany, The mechanism is produced in Uebels own workshop in China.

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